Oscar Victor Rachetti

Nombre: Oscar Víctor Rachetti

Doctor in Law and Social Sciences graduated from the University of the Republic of Uruguay in 1951. Master’s Degree in Commercial Law graduated from the Sorbonne University, Paris 1951. Forensic Document Examiner, educated in France by Mr. Édouard de Rougemont.

Member of Rachetti Law Firm since 1951-2013

He was appointed Vice-president of the Bank of the Republic of Uruguay in 1967 and he became. President of such State Bank in 1969. In such capacity and as Governor of Uruguay, he represented our country in the IX and X Meeting of the Board of Governors of The Inter-American Bank held in Bogota in 1968 and in Guatemala in 1969. In October 1969, He was appointed for the position of Municipal Governor of Montevideo, for which he had been elected Deputy Governor. He was reelected for such position in the elections held in November 1971.

In 1972, Mr. Rachetti visited Russia and Spain invited by the Mayors of Moscow and Madrid; in 1974, the Department of State of the United States of America invited him to visit said country.

In 1976, He represented Uruguay in the Congress of Mayors of Latin-America and the Caribbean, and in June of same year was invited to visit France by the Municipal Council of Paris.

In 1977, He attended the Meeting of Mayors of Capital Cities of America held in Madrid.

In 1978, the President of the Federative Republic of Brazil awarded him the National Order of the Southern Cross (Ordem Nacional do Cruzeiro do Sul) with the grade Grand Cross (Grã Cruz).

In 1979, the Government of the United States of America invited him to visit many cities of said country. In November 1979, the Institute of Local Government Studies of Spain gave him the highest award granted by such Institute.

In 1980, Mr. Rachetti was appointed Vice-President of the Latin American Economic Cooperation Organization with head office in Paris. In said year, He was also appointed President of the Ibero-American Organization of Inter-Municipal Cooperation, position held until the end of 1983.

In 1981, in his capacity as Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Uruguay, he signed and executed with the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington D.C. a loan agreement for Uruguay to finance the Final Destination of Sewage Waters works.

In September 1981, the President of the Republic of Peru granted him the Merit Award for Distinctive Services, grade Grand Officer.

In 1982, The Government entrusted him the study on the administrative reform and regionalization carried out in the Republic of Chile. Afterwards, he attended the Congress of the Union of Capital Cities of America in Madrid; and he was invited to visit Cadiz by the King of Spain in order to participate in the beginning of the preparation for the commemoration of the Five-Hundredth Anniversary of the Discovery of America. In October 1982, the Brazilian Institute of Municipal Administration awarded him the Merit Medal for his outstanding performance in the municipal field of America.

In May 1983, he attended the 4th International Mayors Conference in Jerusalem, and after that, the Ibero-American Professors and Experts Congress on Administrative Law organized in Madrid by the Institute of Local Government Studies of Spain.

In June of same year, Mr. Rachetti was invited to visit Great Britain by the Mayor of the City of London, the Great London Council and Her Majesty’s Government of the United Kingdom.

In November 1983, he resigned his position as Municipal Governor of Montevideo, which he had held for almost 14 years.

From that moment on, Mr. Rachetti returns to the active exercise of his Lawyer profession in the Law Firm founded by his father in 1915, which is one of the most prestigious law firms in Uruguay.

In 1983, he returned to the active exercise of his profession.
– From 1984 to 1996 was the President of the Board of Directors of Phillips Industries in Uruguay and was member of the Board of Directors of “Fábricas Nacionales de Cerveza S.A.” and “Maltería Oriental S.A.” (National Beer Industries).
– Founded member of the Uruguayan Society of Forensic Documents Examiners; as member of its Board of Directors, he held on many occasions and consecutively the positions of Secretary, Vice
-President and President. He acted as Forensic Document Examiner in more than 1,350 cases for the Central Government, Self-Governing Entities, Judicial Power, Banks, Commercial entities, among others.
– He is current honorary adviser on special legal matters and strategies for Rachetti Law Firm.