Juan José Oddone Baridon
Name: Juan José Oddone Baridon
Place of Birth:: Uruguayan
Date of Birth: 06/03/79
Marital Status: Married
Languages: Spanish, English. Reads and writes Portguese
Notary Public
Universidad de Montevideo, Uruguay
Doctor in Law
Universidad de Montevideo, Uruguay
1998-1999 Business Engineering
Universidad Gabriela Mistral
Santiago de Chile, Chile
– US LAW PROGRAM, Universidad de Montevideo (2001-2004).
– Course on the BRAZILIAN LEGAL SYSTEM, Universidad de Montevideo (2003-2004).
– Seminar on “JURISPRUDENCIA PENAL URUGUAYA” (Uruguayan Criminal Case Law) organized by members of the Criminal Appellate Courts of Montevideo and Supreme Court of Justice (2002).
– Seminar on “CUESTIONES MEDICO-JURIDICAS SOBRE INCAPACIDAD MENTAL” (Medical-Legal Issues on Mental Insanity), organized by the Family Law Studies Group and with the participation of Prof. Walter Howard and Dr. Martín Gutiérrez (2003).
– Court of First Instance in Civil Matters Term 14º. Justice: Beatriz Venturini. (2004-2005)
– Estudio Dr. Mezzera in its counselling to Thesis Uruguay Administradora de Fondos de Inversión. Negotiation and reporting to the Credits’ Committee in re litigation steps for the collection of credits.(2005–2006)
– Estudio Posadas, Posadas & Vecino. Legal and tax counselling to clients operating in different sectors. Bylaws, Directors’ and Shareholders’ Meetings, Minutes and Powers of Attorney. Drafting of contracts and counselling in Public Bids.(2006–2007)
– Estudio Dr. Mezzera in its counselling to Thesis Uruguay Administradora de Fondos de Inversión. Litigation Team. Actions for collection.(2007- 2008)
– Estudio Dr. Mezzera in its counselling to the Central Bank of Uruguay (Fondo de Recuperación de Patrimonio Bancario) for the maintenance of outstanding balances in Bancos Comercial, Montevideo and La Caja Obrera.(2008–2009)
– Banco Itau Uruguay SA Asset recovery in their Retail Bank.(2009 a 2014)
– Independent legal services (2014 a 2018)
– Part of the Estudio Rachetti since 2020
– Collaboration in “Manual Teórico Práctico de Derecho Concursal” (Martínez Blanco, Camilo), Editorial Universidad de Montevideo, 2003.
– Commentaries on Ruling Nª 35 of the Court of Appeal son Family Matters Term 2º. (M. Casanova, J.J. Oddone y M. Zaglio) Revista Uruguaya de Derecho de Familia Nº17, page 37, Fundación de Cultura Universitaria, 2004.