Germán Vergara Andrada
Name: German Vergara Andrada
Nationality: Uruguayan
Date of Birth: July 5th, 1974
Marital Status: Married
Languages: Spanish Reading and writing in English.
Doctor in Law and Social Sciences graduated from the School of Law of the University of the Republic of Uruguay in 2001
• Attending the Master’s Degree Program in Law – Specialization in Labor Law and Social Welfare in the Postgraduate Courses School, School of Law of the University of the Republic of Uruguay.
• Diploma in “Pensions System. Long-term Benefits in Social Security delivered by the Inter-American Center for Social Security Studies-Mexico.
• Diploma in “Management Development” Program at University ORT Uruguay – School of Administration and Social Sciences.
• XV National Conferences on Labor and Social Security Law
• XV National Congress and XIII Conferences of Rio de la Plata on Labor and Social Security – Parana, Argentina.
• V International Conference on Labor Relations
• XXIII Uruguayan Conferences on Labor and Social Security Law
• Course on “Workplace Bullying and Sexual Harrasment” delivered by “Corporación Asesora de Empresas” (Corporate Advisors) CADE
•Course on “Electronic Government and Public Administration” delivered by “Corporación Asesora de Empresas” – (Corporate Advisors) CADE
• XXIV Uruguayan Conferences on Labor and Social Security Law
.Workshop on “Difficult Conversations” delivered by Banking Retirements and Pensions Fund (CJPB).
•Certificate in “Management Skills Development” awarded by University ORT Uruguay – School of Administration and Social Sciences.
• Lecture on “Risk Management in Social Security Institutions” delivered by Banking Retirements and Pensions Fund (CJPB).
• Workshop on “Management Indicators” delivered by Banking Retirements and Pensions Fund (CJPB).
• Workshop on “Self-leadership” delivered by Banking Retirements and Pensions Fund (CJPB).
• Legal Advisor for the Legal-Notary Consultant Office of Banking Retirements and Pensions Fund
• Member of Rachetti Law Firm 2009 to present.