Legal – Notary Department:

Within the services we render to our clients, we offer wide consultancy in the following areas:

Civil and Commercial Law
Agreements – purchases and sales, urban and rural leases, liability or rights for damages, successions, commercial companies, creditors’ meetings, bankruptcies, compositions with creditors, securities, trusts, portfolio securitization and any other civil or commercial matter.

Labor Law and Social Welfare
Labor hiring, prevention and solution of individual and collective labor conflicts, consultancy on social welfare matters.

Financing and Tax Law
Legal advise in tax and its constants law changes, incorporations of companies and its applicable law, tax infringements.

Administrative Law
Consultancy on bidding processes and submission of additional proposals. Legal, administrative and litigation proceedings.

Family Law
Divorces, allowances, successions.

Corporate Law.
Integral legal consultancy for national and foreign commercial companies, incorporation of commercial companies.

Banking Law
Preparation and execution of projects for assets recovery and management of debtors, consultancy to financial mediation institutions on prevention of conflicts, banking contracts, guarantees and representations in legal acts.

Public and Private International Law

International Transport Law

Intellectual Property Law
Trademarks and patents. Representation and agency in legal acts, administrative, litigation and arbitration processes.


Preventive Legal Advice (preventing problems before they occur)
Our experience has demonstrated how convenient legal advice is for any company prior to decision making for the purpose of avoiding future risks that may affect their responsibility scope and their finances. For that reason, we render advice aiming to provide legal support to their decisions, thus, avoiding or foreseeing possible problems through the preparation of legal opinions and reports, preparation and review of contracts, analysis of legal risks, legal audits so that companies may be in compliance with legal and any other requirements that modern management need.

Pre-litigation Advice (Dispute Management)
Once the dispute is established, it must be resolved by acknowledging rights and duties of every party. Not only is our firm specialized and highly qualified to represent the entrepreneur in the negotiations with the adverse party, but also it legally prepares the person in charge of dealing with the matter.

Judicial Representation (when the problem must be judicially solved).
Our firm has the infrastructure and also specialized and experienced professionals to represent your company in the litigious field addressed to solve matters in dispute. If the company has its own attorneys, we also may render external support on complicated matters.

Extra-judicial Advice (when the problem may be solved out of Court)
Judicial or contentious solutions must always be the last option due to its excessive duration, costs and risks that the decision be made by a third party. For that reason, big worldwide companies avoid ordinary justice and try to solve their disputes in private negotiations through professional mediation and, lastly, in arbitration courts. On this regard, our firm is widely prepared to advice companies, even preventing the possibility to submit any dispute to arbitration courts from the very beginning of any commercial relationship.

Asset Recovery
Our Law Firm has been engaged in the recovery of non-performing loans for more than 50 years.
Nowadays, we have a team of specialists in this matter, with wide experience in bank assets recovery, both regarding consumer lending and corporate lending. Further, in considering the utmost importance of the continuous control carried out by our law firm during its performance, and aiming to offer our clients the possibility of an immediate access to information, we have developed a management software adjusted to our clients’ needs. This allows our clients to carry out continuous and immediate audits on the entrusted management.